USS Chase (Single) by Tyler Shotwell

Like the Enterprise fleet I previously made, this one is just a single Coast Guard Cutter(USS Chase). The same software is required(AI Carriers).


Take the file USS USCG Chase_AI, and copy & paste to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Simobjects/Boats.
Next, open your C:/Program Files/AI Carriers and open the aicarriers config file using notepad.
Then scroll down the the bottom, and copy this information...

title=USS Chase
unit.0=VEH_USCG_CHASE, 0, 0

and paste it, and replace the xx with the next number in the sequence.
Next, start FSX, select free flight, and start a a coastal airport, go out to sea, press shift-j, and the menu will pop up, next press 0 untill you see USS Chase.
Then, press the number that it is on, and select a distance, it will pop up were you put it, and you can control the ship from here on, ENJOY!!!

For any problems, email me at